Monday, November 11, 2013

Kanger Protank 3 Review

Kanger Protank 3 PT3 dual coil clearomizerThe specs:

-Bottom dual coil atomizer
-Chrome plated brass
-Stronger base
-Pyrex glass tank
-Glue free
-510 threaded

-Removable drip tip
-2.5ml capacity

Package contents:

-Protank 3
-2x 2.0ohm dual coil atomizers
-Ego beauty ring

The Review:

The first thing to know about this tank is that the atomizers are not backwards compatile with the previous Protanks.  This means you will need a Protank 3 to use the dual coil atomizers, and while you can put the older single coil atomizers in this unit they do not seal properly and may leak.  This is Kanger's first Protank that does not use the same atomizer.  Many will complain about this, but evolution comes with a price.  One big positive is that the glass is the same as the other Protanks and is totally interchangable.

Airflow:  I have never been a fan of 510 connection tanks because of the inconsistent airflow and having to fiddle with the connection to keep it stable, but also get proper airflow.  With this tank Kanger has finally fixed this problem!  The tank can be screwed all the way down on any of my batteries and still have fantastic airflow, and it does not wobble.   It does not whistle or make funny airflow noises.  I can't tell you how exciting this is for me.  The draw is slightly tighter than the previous versions of the Protanks, probably due to the fact that you are pulling through more wick.  

I have heard many reports of people having airflow, flooding and gurgling problems and Sun Vapers tells me the production quality on these first atomizers is inconsistent.  So if you get a Protank 3 and are having any of these issues, try the second atomizer it came with.  Hopefully one of them will work as intended and you will enjoy the airflow as much as I do.  I am sure Kanger will remedy this quickly, hopefully when the first replacement atomizers start shipping.

Kanger Protank 3 Atomizer PT3 Dual Bottom CoilVapor Production: This where this tank is very different than previous Protanks and really shines.  After using this for about a week I have found the best results when running at 5.0+ volts.  Running this below 5.0volts will result in weak vapor production and having to draw on it for a while before it starts giving you more vapor.  The Protank 3 is really not suited for mechanical mods and it will produce a warmer vape than previous Protanks.  Because the atomizer resistance is 2.0ohms and I'm running it at 5.0+ volts it will drain your battery faster than running at the optimal resistance to voltage, chart found here.

Now running this thing at 5.0+ volts results in incredible flavor and huge clouds.  I have not experienced this level of delicious flavor or vapor production from anything but an RBA.  Great job Kanger!  I have noticed that I'm using my e-liquid faster than on other Protanks, but that makes sense because I am getting significantly more vapor production.

Look and Feel:  It looks very similar to previous Protanks so no real update here.  And just like its predecessors it feels incredibly solid and is built like a tank.  A big tank, with guns... not one you fill with liquid.  I like that the glass is backwards compatible and you can switch it out with colored glass if you'd like, which reduces the cost of ownership if you're prone to dropping things like I am.  I'd rather pay $4 for new glass than $20 for a new Protank 3.  The drip tip fits snugly and has a little play, but not enough to be irritating.

Tips and Tricks:  Make sure to screw the tank down tight enough or you will not get ideal vapor production, just be careful not to screw it down too hard and push your 510 pin down.  The new atomizer heads are made with a silicone grommet instead of a rubber grommet so this may have something to do with the fact that vapor production is not ideal when not screwed down correctly.  Also, if you screw it down too hard the airflow seems fine, but you will get little to no vape.  There is a pretty wide range for how far you screw it down and still get a great vape so this is not a huge deal, but something to be aware of.  

If you feel that the drip tip has too much play, you can get a bigger o-ring or put some dental floss underneath the existing o-right so that it comes out a little further.

The new atomizer does not have the long head we're used to, it's a tiny stub.  So remove the silicone cap and that will give you a better hold on the atomizer to screw it in securely, then replace the cap after the atomizer is in place.
Kanger Protank 3 Dual Coil Atomizer with Silicone Cap Removed


This is the first real evolution Kanger has made since the original Protank.  While it has a small learning curve with tightening and voltage, once those have been figured out it is smooth sailing.  Great airflow for a 510 connection, amazing vapor production and even better flavor.  To date I have had no flooding, just a little bit of juice on the 510 connection I clean off whenever I refill it.  No dry hits or burned taste in at least 8 tank fills.  If I had faulty atomizers in my box this could have been a very different review, but I didn't.  Hopefully Kanger can figure that out soon.  So I enthusiastically give this tank my first ever 5.0/5.0 Stars.  Get one, and love it like I do!

Edit 11/26/2013:  I just replaced my first atomizer a little over 3 weeks later.  Still no burned or dry hits, just started to have airflow issues and the wick was pretty gunky.  That's over double the time I get out of the original Protank atomizer.

Kanger Protank 3
Reviewed by Vaping Nerd on Nov 11 2013
Rating: 5.0

Monday, October 28, 2013

Kanger Unitank Review

top filling bottom heating pure taste more vapor Kanger Unitank Kangertech Unitank

 The stats:
  • Chrome plated brass
  • poly-carbonate tank
  • bottom coil clearomizer
  • top filling
  • 510 threaded
  • 2.5ml stated capacity

 Package contents:
  • 1 x Kanger Unitank
  • 1 x 510 drip tip
  • 3 x Atomizer Head for Kanger            Protank - all 2.5ohm
  • 1 x Ego Cone Cover

The Review:

This is the Kanger Protank redesigned to be top filling an without the Pyrex glass.  There are a few other differences, such as Kanger's statement that "Unlike other Kanger Tanks, the Unitank is 510 Threaded and it will work on 510 thread MOD/APV without the need for an adapter."  Also, Kanger claims better flavor with this tank, both of which I will address below.  As always with Kanger the packaging is excellent, even if their English isn't.  This tank has been out for a couple weeks, and I have been using it exclusively for that time to bring you the best information I can.

Airflow:  As with many 510 tanks I feel like there's a fine balance between tightening it until it's stable and correct air flow, and I hate fiddling with it to find the balance.  This tank is not compatible with the Protank Mini base, so it can not be easily converted to ego for better air flow like the Protank.  I believe the threading and air holes on the 510 connector are slightly better than the Protank so it is slightly easier to get good airflow when not using an adapter.  I know some mods/batteries have better 510 connectors than others, but I don't like the inconsistency.  One issue I ran into is related to the fact that the tank is divided into two sections so it does not leak when filling from the top.  When it gets low some of the juice stays in the top section and you get dry fires because the bottom section is empty.  The only solution I have found to this is adding more juice, but I really dislike seeing juice in my tank and getting dry fires.  

Vapor Prodction: It feels slightly more productive than the Protank and the flavor seems to be a little cleaner.  You get slightly more capacity than the Mini Protank on a 510 threaded tank that you can refill from the top.  

Look and Feel: This tank looks great and has the same removable drip tip as the Protank and Mini Protank.  I like that they have made a tank that is not Pyrex glass because I am not as worried about dropping it and having the glass shatter, which has happened to me with the Protank.  As long as you're not using acidic juices it's fine.  The tank is heavy and feels sturdy when you hold it, and the threading is all excellent.  The top filling makes it super easy to add juice and I have had no problems with leaking or filling the tank, there's plenty of room to add juice.  The way the top cap seals down so nicely you really feel like nothing is going to ever leak out of this tank.

The Tip:

When filling push the center pin down a few times so more juice gets in the bottom if you're filling from mostly empty.  Otherwise you're wasting that space in the bottom that could otherwise be filled.


I like the vapor production and 510 connection slightly better than the Protank, but the separator and top filling bring enough negatives that I still prefer the Protank.  I don't like seeing juice in my tank and having no way for it to get to the wick.  I also don't like being able to top off the tank if I'm about to go out with it.  Thus I give it 4/5 Stars.  

Kanger Unitank
Reviewed by Vaping Nerd on Oct 28 2013
Rating: 4.0

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Kamry X10 Review

Kamry X10 Protank Clone 4.5ml removable drip tip
The Stats:
  • Brass stoppers and aluminum jacket
  • Poly-carbonate tank (not Pyrex as initially advertised)
  • 5 colors: silver, blue, black, pink and red
  • Bottom coil
  • 510 threaded
  • 4.5ml stated capacity
  • 2.4ohm atomizer

The Review:

The first thing to know about this tank is that it fits Kanger Protank atomizers perfectly.  So my first thought when seeing the X10 was a 4.5ml+ tank that can use the Protank atomizer and has a removable drip tip?  Awesome!  Let's dig in and see how it performs.

Airflow: I filled this thing with 5ml of e-juice comfortably, primed the 2.4ohm atomizer it came with, and gave it a whirl.  Burnt nastiness, almost no airflow.  I didn't expect Kamry's atomizers to be good, but they should at least work.  So I threw in a 2.5ohm Protank atomizer and gave it a whirl.  Burnt nastiness. After much fiddling I figured out that the juice wasn't wicking due to pressure inside the tank.  Perhaps because the tank is so big?  I have no idea, but by unscrewing the base a little bit I was able to get reasonable vapor production... but the burnt wick still tasted like crap.  Now on to my second Protank atomizer and with the right amount of unscrewing on the base I got great vapor production and no burning.

The side effects of this?  Slight leaking from the partially unscrewed base and I was afraid to put it in my pocket for fear it would work itself loose and I'd have 5ml's of liquid down my leg.  What I found after some more testing and fiddling is if you keep it partially unscrewed for ~10 draws you won't burn the wick and you can screw it shut after that.  But after a while you have to unscrew the base to let more air in or it starts to dry fire.  This translates into 2-3 unscrews per 5ml tank for normal usage.

Also, the 510 threading was imperfect on my mods per usual.  For the right amount of airflow it has to be backed off the battery a little bit and the tank becomes wobbly.  Screwed all the way down and the airflow is obstructed.  So I used a modified shorty 510 to 510 connector that I had drilled out so I can screw it all the way down and still get great airflow.  Unlike the Protank, the Mini Protank base does not screw into the X10 to fix this problem.

Vapor Production: After learning how to handle the airflow on this tank I put back in the stock Kamry atomizer and dealt with the taste to see how the vapor production was.  Not great.  It worked, but was not as much vapor production or as clean of a draw as with the Protank atomizer.  I would use it as a way to test the airflow and after you figure it out, toss the the stock atomizer.

With the Protank atomizer it draws very similarly to the Protank, cool air and clouds at the right voltage/wattage.  I don't think tank construction has much to do with the quality of the vapor, but certainly with airflow and how well it functions.

Look and Feel:  I really like how this thing is the same width as most mods, which gives it a very streamlined look.  When I first picked it up I was surprised to feel how heavy it was, particularly since it's not Pyrex.  The mouthpiece feels a little strange when you draw on it because of the lip on the top of it, but it's removable and replaceable so not a huge concern.  The threading on the base of the tank wasn't great, which further scared me when loosening it for proper airflow.

The Tip:

Get protank atomizers and use the stock one to test the airflow because it's possible you will burn wicks if you just screw it closed and vape.  Also, you don't have to loosen the threading on the base too far to let air in, just couple millimeters was enough on my unit.  Find the balance, and screw it shut after a little while and it should work fine for a bit.


Solid looking and feeling tank, that has some major airflow issues.  If you want a huge capacity tank that is less than half the cost of a protank (from Fasttech here) and can deal with dry hits, loosening the base, and possibly leaking fluid then this is for you.  I used it for about two weeks and did get better at fiddling with it to get the airflow right, but I was constantly concerned about juice leaking (which happened 2-3 times) so it is now retired and I'm back to the Protank, even if I have to refill it more often.  Rating: 2.5/5 stars.  Too many problems and clearomizers should not require a learning curve.

Kamry X10
Reviewed by Vaping Nerd on Oct 16 2013
Rating: 2.5

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kanger Protank Review (static tip)

kanger protank with mini base
The stats:

   • Chrome plated brass
   • Pyrex glass
   • Works with acidic/corrosive e-liquid
   • Bottom coil
   • 510 threaded
   • 2.5ml stated capacity

The v1 of this tank is actually glued together, the newer version (which I prefer over the v1) you can fully disassemble, clean and rebuild with no risk of glue breaking and having an e-liquid party.  Besides that difference, they are virtually the same.  There is also a Protank II on the market which is rebuildable and has a removable drip tip.

The magic behind this tank is the new atomizer from Kanger, which is available in 1.8, 2.2 and 2.5 ohms.  I buy my atomizers in 5 packs from Sun-Vapers, which has fantastic customer service and shipping is incredibly fast.  They just opened a retail location in San Diego if you live nearby; the prices are the same as online and you save on shipping.  You can find them here.

The Review:

When you hold this tank it just feels solid.  I have dropped it repeatedly to minor scratching and most tanks will break/become damaged such that you can't use them.  I have heard the pyrex can break when dropped, but they do sell replacement glass and even with the non-rebuildable v1 you can glue the glass back in (replacement glass in 5 different colors is also available at Sun-Vapers here).  The reason I like buying Protanks/related supplies from Edward at Sun-Vapers is that he helped create the Protank with Kanger and is a wealth of information and always willing to share, and to be clear I have no affiliation with Sun-Vapers.

Airflow:  This tank has an airy draw.  I prefer a slightly less airy draw, and have recently found the best solution, which I will explain in The Tip below.  On my mods many 510 threaded tanks are a pain because if you screw them down too tight you cut off airflow, but if you loosen them for the proper airflow the tank is wobbly and can risk falling off.  Some people have blocked one of the air holes in the 510 threaded base, but I have found a solution that works perfectly and solves the wobbling issue. 

Vapor production:  As I said the atomizer is what makes this tank.  I blow huge clouds with the 2.5ohm atomizer at 4.1v or 6w.  I have also used it on a mech and while I prefer to control my voltage it works great.  The vapor is relatively cool in temperature, which I find most people prefer and I have to think it's better for your lungs than hot vapor, though I have no facts to back that up.

Look and feel:  I think it looks better than most tanks, and you can customize your glass color.  But what I like best about the static tip version is the mouth feel.  It feels solid.  There is no wiggle as with many removable drip tips and the shape of the tip feels good when you draw on it.

Because Kanger did such a great job with this atomizer there are a number of tanks from other companies that are compatible with it, and I have used a few of them.  If you are less concerned about quality construction, you can still get the great vapor production this atomizer provides for less money with a different tank.  I will be reviewing tanks that are compatible with this atomizer soon.

The Tip:
mini protank base
The Mini Protank base screws into the Protank (as seen in my pic at the top), effectively making it ego threaded.  Protank sits securely on my mods and the Mini base is black chrome and matches the black chrome Vamo v2 perfectly. The air holes on the Mini protank base are very high up, so they shouldn't be blocked by your tank's juice catcher (like on a Vamo) and it's very easy to fill one of the holes if you prefer a tighter draw like I do.  You can find just the mini base here.

Before going to the Mini Protank base I did experience some gurgling when the tank was low and have experienced none since making the switch.

The Build:

mini protank base, kanger protank, vamo v2, panasonic 3400 mah

My preferred build with this tank is with the Mini Protank base, black chrome Vamo v2 and the Panasonic 18650 3400 MAH battery (found here from Fasttech for the best deal on the net), which is the highest capacity 18650 on the market as of this blog post.  I can refill my 2.5ml protank 2-3 times before it dies.  It's like holding a giant lightsaber, so it's not very travel friendly, but it's built like a brick and looks pretty beastly.  When I take it out people are constantly asking me what it is and hitting me up for conversation whether they vape or not.

Note on the linked battery: It fits in my Vamo, but I understand it is slightly bigger than other 18650's and does not fit in the Provari.  Do your research and get the right version of it, or a lower MAH Panasonic that is known to fit in your respective mod.  And as always make sure you get protected batteries when using mechanical mods.


This is currently my favorite tank and I give it 4.5/5 stars.  If the draw was a little tighter I would give it 5, but with the Mini Protank base it becomes a 5/5.  Be aware there are clones being sold as Protanks so buy from a reputable seller.

Kanger Protank (static tip)
Reviewed by Vaping Nerd on Oct 4 2013
Rating: 4.5