Monday, November 11, 2013

Kanger Protank 3 Review

Kanger Protank 3 PT3 dual coil clearomizerThe specs:

-Bottom dual coil atomizer
-Chrome plated brass
-Stronger base
-Pyrex glass tank
-Glue free
-510 threaded

-Removable drip tip
-2.5ml capacity

Package contents:

-Protank 3
-2x 2.0ohm dual coil atomizers
-Ego beauty ring

The Review:

The first thing to know about this tank is that the atomizers are not backwards compatile with the previous Protanks.  This means you will need a Protank 3 to use the dual coil atomizers, and while you can put the older single coil atomizers in this unit they do not seal properly and may leak.  This is Kanger's first Protank that does not use the same atomizer.  Many will complain about this, but evolution comes with a price.  One big positive is that the glass is the same as the other Protanks and is totally interchangable.

Airflow:  I have never been a fan of 510 connection tanks because of the inconsistent airflow and having to fiddle with the connection to keep it stable, but also get proper airflow.  With this tank Kanger has finally fixed this problem!  The tank can be screwed all the way down on any of my batteries and still have fantastic airflow, and it does not wobble.   It does not whistle or make funny airflow noises.  I can't tell you how exciting this is for me.  The draw is slightly tighter than the previous versions of the Protanks, probably due to the fact that you are pulling through more wick.  

I have heard many reports of people having airflow, flooding and gurgling problems and Sun Vapers tells me the production quality on these first atomizers is inconsistent.  So if you get a Protank 3 and are having any of these issues, try the second atomizer it came with.  Hopefully one of them will work as intended and you will enjoy the airflow as much as I do.  I am sure Kanger will remedy this quickly, hopefully when the first replacement atomizers start shipping.

Kanger Protank 3 Atomizer PT3 Dual Bottom CoilVapor Production: This where this tank is very different than previous Protanks and really shines.  After using this for about a week I have found the best results when running at 5.0+ volts.  Running this below 5.0volts will result in weak vapor production and having to draw on it for a while before it starts giving you more vapor.  The Protank 3 is really not suited for mechanical mods and it will produce a warmer vape than previous Protanks.  Because the atomizer resistance is 2.0ohms and I'm running it at 5.0+ volts it will drain your battery faster than running at the optimal resistance to voltage, chart found here.

Now running this thing at 5.0+ volts results in incredible flavor and huge clouds.  I have not experienced this level of delicious flavor or vapor production from anything but an RBA.  Great job Kanger!  I have noticed that I'm using my e-liquid faster than on other Protanks, but that makes sense because I am getting significantly more vapor production.

Look and Feel:  It looks very similar to previous Protanks so no real update here.  And just like its predecessors it feels incredibly solid and is built like a tank.  A big tank, with guns... not one you fill with liquid.  I like that the glass is backwards compatible and you can switch it out with colored glass if you'd like, which reduces the cost of ownership if you're prone to dropping things like I am.  I'd rather pay $4 for new glass than $20 for a new Protank 3.  The drip tip fits snugly and has a little play, but not enough to be irritating.

Tips and Tricks:  Make sure to screw the tank down tight enough or you will not get ideal vapor production, just be careful not to screw it down too hard and push your 510 pin down.  The new atomizer heads are made with a silicone grommet instead of a rubber grommet so this may have something to do with the fact that vapor production is not ideal when not screwed down correctly.  Also, if you screw it down too hard the airflow seems fine, but you will get little to no vape.  There is a pretty wide range for how far you screw it down and still get a great vape so this is not a huge deal, but something to be aware of.  

If you feel that the drip tip has too much play, you can get a bigger o-ring or put some dental floss underneath the existing o-right so that it comes out a little further.

The new atomizer does not have the long head we're used to, it's a tiny stub.  So remove the silicone cap and that will give you a better hold on the atomizer to screw it in securely, then replace the cap after the atomizer is in place.
Kanger Protank 3 Dual Coil Atomizer with Silicone Cap Removed


This is the first real evolution Kanger has made since the original Protank.  While it has a small learning curve with tightening and voltage, once those have been figured out it is smooth sailing.  Great airflow for a 510 connection, amazing vapor production and even better flavor.  To date I have had no flooding, just a little bit of juice on the 510 connection I clean off whenever I refill it.  No dry hits or burned taste in at least 8 tank fills.  If I had faulty atomizers in my box this could have been a very different review, but I didn't.  Hopefully Kanger can figure that out soon.  So I enthusiastically give this tank my first ever 5.0/5.0 Stars.  Get one, and love it like I do!

Edit 11/26/2013:  I just replaced my first atomizer a little over 3 weeks later.  Still no burned or dry hits, just started to have airflow issues and the wick was pretty gunky.  That's over double the time I get out of the original Protank atomizer.

Kanger Protank 3
Reviewed by Vaping Nerd on Nov 11 2013
Rating: 5.0


  1. Nice review! =) Pretty cool being able to use the PT2 colored glass replacements. A vendor had listed them as PT2/PT3 colored glass, so I picked some up at that time. You're absolutely correct that PT3 dual-coil replacement heads are not backwards compatible. I did find, however... that the single PT2 coils, ARE actually forward compatible & to work on PT3 (idk why anyone would wanna do that tho, unless you've run out of PT3 dual-coils & just need something-- to use it) Any dual-coil definitely goes through the juice a LOT faster, which kinda sucks.. @ the same time... their increased vapor/performance, makes it well worth it, imho. Esp lately, Kanger has been pretty inconsistent with their replacements, unfortunately (might have something to do with the speed at which they've been releasing new versions) That being said, personally.. altho not glass, I've found Innokin products iClear30, 30s (rocks) & iClear16 (while smaller, performance-wise, STILL tops my list) to be VERY consistent, cheaper, & much more reliable, overall. I had gotten 5 of the somehow updated (hated 'em when they 1st came out... but now, stamped VV/VW) iClear16s with an MVP I picked up in August. Thought for sure I would PIF them, but holy vapor, Batman... these things just chucked out the flavor/vapor. I can remember using the 1st outta 5.. (on it's original coil too) just keeping topped off with same flavor... for nearly 2 months before getting ANY change in flavor/vapor. At that point, I changed out it's coil/wicks & IDK about you, but for me... that's pretty unheard of. =) The new iClear30s, while I wish it was pyrex (someday.. tho I've had no cracks/fogging of ANY innokin tank regardless of juice used, incl. cinammon, lemon/lime, etc.. but c'mon Innokin) is awesome! Stellar performer.. I wish it held more, but there IS def. something to be said for the size of the iClear16- when it comes to that exact pressure needed for proper feeding/wicking. Cuz same goes for PT vs mini (works better) AnyvapeBCCmega vs BCCmini (yup, performs better) even Vivi Nova vs mini-vivi... I never get ANY leaking, flooding, gurgling or otherwise from the smaller ones! i30s tho, is a VERY close 2nd + holds twice as much. Kanger products are good, don't get me wrong- but with much EASIER top fill, lower price overall, coil/head consistency & better airflow, etc.. the only reason (right now) I'd buy more Kanger.... is for their glass. Even then.. Aspire BDC is better, imho. =) Happy vaping,. & again, great review!

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Thanks for the detailed comment! I need to do some reviews of products other than Kanger so I will do one of an iClear30s soon. Stay tuned :-)

  2. I just bought the protank 3 for me and my husband and mine seems to be working good, but my husband doesn't seem to be getting a good hit off it. It seems like it is sucking to much air. Any suggestions.

    1. Hi Sandy,

      Have you tried your husband's and is does it draw more air than yours? If it came with the short atomizer you really have to make sure it is screwed down tightly and the whole tank is securely screwed together. Have him try removing the silicone grommet on the atomizer and making sure it is tight then replacing the grommet.

      If that doesn't work it could be a faulty atomizer, try the other one that came with it. Kanger's new PT3 dual coil atomizers have a longer stem and seem better constructed. You can find them here:

      My last thought is perhaps his battery has a higher pin than yours, and it is smashing the silicone grommet. Have him untighten the tank and see if that helps. If it does the new Kanger Aerotank base will help. I will be posting a review on that tank in the very new future, but the base will fit on the PT3 and lets you control airflow and has a solid 510 connector eliminating the problems you can get tightening the PT3 coil to your battery. Found here:

      Good luck and let me know if any of this helped!

  3. Great review had a problem also with adjusting the tightening the atomizer and battery connection also. Once I got the feel for it great vaping. I do run the battery a lot lower though, around 3.8 volts. Again great review and awesome tips. Thanks!!

  4. Hey I just got it today and with an I taste vv battery. Was working amazingly at monster vape then came about a couple hours and the difference in the amount of smoke is far less. I was wondering if the settings might be off but would like for input

  5. Hey so update I took it to a friend and he came up with the idea that the wicks have too much fluid in them so trying to dab them with a paper towel and see how it goes

    1. If you are using the dual coil atomizer it comes with you shouldn't have wicking problems unless the atomizer is faulty. I'd make sure the atomizer is screwed in securely, but not so tightly you're smashing it, and that the tank isn't screwed down too tightly. The silicone grommet on the atomizer is more sensitive than the PT2's rubber grommet and if smashed can reduce air flow. Fiddle with tightness and I bet it gets fixed.

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